Sunday 31 August 2014

Paul Barfords likes and dislikes

Donna yates has inspired me once more with her Archeology blog.  The red headed Vixen has put a 'likes' and 'dislikes' section at the start of her blog:

I'm rather disappointed she didn't put 'fluffy handcuffs in there', as I would have done a Barford all over my screen then and there.  Oh well, I'll have to leave that one to her pictures and my imagination.

However, I have decided to share my likes and dislikes right here:


Donna Yates.  Nigel Swift.  Donna Yates and Nigel Swift covered in mud, wresting around our dug up corpses.  Paul Barford.  Dead bodies.  Museums.  Easy listening Jazz.  My cat.  My blog.  My opinion.

Dislikes:  METAL DETECTING!!!  The PAS (waste of money)  THAT DAMNED PHD IN ARCHELOGLGLGY.  Britain.  Anything that involves fun - Just ask Mrs Barford.  Tekkies.

So there you have it.  I shall add to this list when more pop into my head, as I'm sure you'd like to hear more about me.  On that note, I'm off to find the tissues.

Paul Barford.

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